Monday 21 May 2007

Training w/c 5th March

Cross trainer/treadmill sessions x 2. As I had been doing well last week at 6km/hr I tried to go faster and just managed to 6.3km/hr. My shins were aching a little - well that is my excuse!
I still managed a swim despite a sudden change of plan for Wednesday lunch - My boss took our team out for lunch to celebrate new investors coming in. We ended up in the restaurant until 4pm. Some colleagues then went on to the bar afterwards but I went back to the office then an hour later managed on the full stomach to complete 50 lengths before my own bar time before football!

Further walking - have started now walking to the next station nearer home both in the morning and evenings. An appointment on Tuesday gave me the opportunity to do a further 3 x 15mins walk. Friday evening and another impromtu social gathering with the venue being a 30 min walk away with a couple of shop stops and 15min walk home.

Saturday was a rest day and then Sunday had a lesiurely 30min walk by the River Medway near Maidstone after a domestic showroom visit and lunch here! river walk
Coming up week 5 - 16 weeks to go and the training suggests 3x 30 mins walking which shouldn't be too hard as two of these will be done in the gym.

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